Fill your Virtual Lunch Table: More Tips to Foster Online Engagement

tips for online engagement

This contributor post was written by Tiffany Han.

My final postal service, Stop Eating your Virtual Lunch Solitary, got such a good response that I decided to exercise a follow-up mail with a few more tricks to making (and keeping!) internet friends.

While the tips I offered on my last post will assistance give yous a adept framework to operate in, these hints volition help you exist more than constructive in building these friendships.

  • Reach out when someone is being active online.

This one might crave some stalking, merely (work with me here!) pay attention to when 1 of your friends-to-exist is online. If you notice that she's super agile on twitter during her dejeuner intermission, that is the perfect time to strike up a conversation. Plain you tin't spend all of your fourth dimension online waiting and watching, but if you discover activity, reach out.

  • Ask questions.

Questions beget answers. Worried that you lot don't have anything to say to someone or don't want to merely transport some other "Great mail!" tweet? Enquire a question. Become curious. If someone is posting about all of her dandy Target finds simply your store never has annihilation good, ask if she's shopping in-person or online. Still, when asking questions, be certain yous…

  • Do your enquiry.

Request questions can be a great way to strike up conversation, but brand sure that the questions you're asking are relevant and previously-unanswered. Before y'all tweet someone asking how they got their start, check out their website and see what y'all tin learn from their bio. I'd much rather be asked almost how my experience as a cocktail waitress in my early 20's helped prepare my for my coaching career than the oft-heard, "How did you end up doing what you're doing?" which is covered in detail on my About page.

  • Don't send crazy long emails.

We all get a crazy amount of emails these days. If you want to accomplish out to a stranger nearly something, go along it short! Explicate what you lot're working on, how they can be involved and what yous'd demand. Bonus points if you lot tin can keep it under 5 sentences! I promise that your short electronic mail is much more probable to go a response!

  • Don't just go for the large dogs.

I know that there are world-famous bloggers who you'd beloved to exist besties with. That's part of what makes them so good at their jobs. They are relatable. Merely when venturing into the globe of online friendships, remember, information technology's not just about wooing Jordan Ferney or Joanna Goddard with your witty repartee. It's about you lot connecting with people that make you laugh and inspire you.

If the idea of reaching out to people online still feels super intimidating, commencement small-scale and slow. Pick one person who's commented on your blog who seems really overnice and start at that place. Or call back virtually that one blogger who you feel like you take so much in common with. While these internet friendships don't happen overnight, they can plough into existent relationships. Call back: it's possible that you have much more in common with strangers on the internet than with the people you spend well-nigh of your IRL time with!

Hop to it! If yous want to be friends with me, I dare you to tweet me a question!

*Design by Brittni Mehlhoff

Tiffany Han, CPCC is a bus for highly-creative people who want to wake up happy. If you're feeling the growing pains of running your creative business and are gear up to Stop spinning your wheels and actually get stuff washed, her weblog is sure to low-cal your fire.

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