Certificate of Authenticity Information

Teresa Bernard Oil Paintings Certificate of AuthenticityAuthenticity Certified

Every painting by Teresa Bernard comes with a  customized official Document of Authenticity that is manus-signed and embossed with her seal.

The COA is printed on high-quality paper and tin can exist framed if desired. The certificate includes the title of the artwork, dimensions, medium, twelvemonth finished, an epitome of the painting, and other essential information. It is your guarantee the artwork you have acquired is a genuine Teresa Bernard Oil Painting.

If you own a Teresa Bernard Oil Painting and did not receive your certificate, please contact us, and we volition promptly send one to yous. For verification purposes, please send a photo of your artwork.

Teresa Bernard's Personal Certification

I, Teresa Bernard, confirm that I created all paintings on this website. When you buy a painting here, y'all're buying it straight from me. I don't sell through galleries or art dealers. All paintings come with a custom-designed Document of Authenticity that is hand-signed and embossed with my seal. It is your assurance yous are receiving authentic, original artwork.

Take a question?

If you accept a question virtually this painting, please contact us, and we'll exist happy to respond whatever of your questions.

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Thanks for stopping by!

Updated: 02 June 2021

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Source: http://teresabernardart.com/certificate-of-authenticity-information/

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