Path of Exile Chromatic Orbs Are Easy to Get

The chance of which color you get when using a chromatic orb seems to be linked to the attribute requirement of an item.

My question is.... WHY??
Before people say 'dont complain, chromatic orbs are easy to get', just try to answer the question WHY it would be linked to the attributes? Doesnt GGG want mage builds to wear armor? Or rangers a CI build?
I just spent 150 chroms trying to get 3 blue sockets on a 5L strength armor and it wasnt enough. So now i'm running low maps with an old chestplate trying to get more chromatics, and i'm just wondering why for gods sake does this also have to be yet oneother annoying gambling part of PoE?

Please, make color chance less depending on attributes.

Time and orbs sink. You'll play longer if you have to farm chromas to adapt your gear. Same reason 6S and 6L have so low chances to roll.

Last edited by SmilingCat on Dec 5, 2013, 1:40:46 AM

While some degree of color-bias is needed to make it easy to roll an armor's favored colors, the current bias makes it extremely unlikely to roll three off-colors on an armor. We've had long discussions on this before, and virtually everyone who's looked into it has asked GGG to improve the odds of rolling off-colors on both pure and hybrid armor. To my knowledge, GGG has never responded, which in my view indicates that they intend it to function as an orb-sink and an obstacle to linking off-color gems.

It's one thing people often don't consider when making builds, but is actually fairly important and a big boon for hybrid defense characters.

That said, if you're talking about ES, as long as we're not talking about a chest or shield, a hybrid ES item will serve almost the same function as a pure ES one while giving you good socket rolls.

I don't think it's fair to state that "GGG doesn't want mages to wear armor". Rather, you should plan ahead for what gems you'll be using, and consider that you might need to wear some different armor type than your most optimal one as part of making your build.

Current color bias (estimated by experiments) — 8:1:1 pure, 9:9:2 hybrid

What it should be — 5:1:1 pure, 4:4:1 hybrid

What it shouldn't be — 1:1:1. Some color bias is good because it makes sockets predictable.

When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

This is so detrimental to many unique armors.
It's a horrible choice to force this on players. Make it optional atleast. I know the devs HATE all ideas of optional features with a fiery passion because they think their way is the only way, but it turned out pretty well with the loot??

I have to go with Scrotie on this, there should be some bias, but I wouldn't mind it being toned down a little bit.

i'd really like for there to be a recipe where you could trade like 20-100 chromatic orbs and a Red/blue/green Skill gem to get a Crafting item (the color of the crafting item being determined by the gem used) that can be applied to a Slot with a 100% chance to change that slot's color to a certain color.

Last edited by aleksandor on Dec 5, 2013, 6:34:29 AM


ScrotieMcB wrote:

Current color bias (estimated by experiments) — 8:1:1 pure, 9:9:2 hybrid

What it should be — 5:1:1 pure, 4:4:1 hybrid

What it shouldn't be — 1:1:1. Some color bias is good because it makes sockets predictable.

Amen. I use the color bias to help my chars out all the time, but at the same time playing a Ranged character that ends up going Armor/Energy Shield is really, really rough.

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And why does it have this tough? It's not like a health/armor build for a caster would be a major advantage vs a CI build.
So why would they have yet another annoying excessive gamble system for this?

And @SmilingCat: You really cant compare this with 5L and 6L, because they are useful for everybody. The socket colors practically only have use for the crafter himself, its not like adding value for others.


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