Fender Super Champ X2 Wine G10 Fsr Limited Edition Review

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Super Champ X2 vs Limited Edition

  • Thread starter romit13
  • Kickoff date
  • #one
How-do-you-do all, I made some other thread looking at the differences betwixt the X2 and Champion forty, and I got lots of wonderful responses. For now, I'1000 leaning towards the X2, but at present I accept another question.
I found out well-nigh the X2 FSR/limited edition which has a Celestion G10 Greenback speaker (i recall).
I was wondering if anyone had feel with the amp. Is information technology worth the extra ~$100 for the upgraded speaker?
If then, I'll salve upward and hold off on buying information technology, so and then hopefully I'll have a better amp on my hands.
Thank you!
(sorry if information technology was improper to make a new thread for this)
  • #two
I didn't know at that place was such a creature but yeah, I would think it would give you some bang-up tones! Celestion Greenbacks are pretty famous for the 30 watt version I believe. Is information technology worth the extra $100? Is it a better amp than the standard x2? Don't know.
  • #3
Run across if you tin play them side past side and allow us know what you lot think.
  • #four
Come across if you tin can play them side by side and permit us know what y'all think.
I'll see if I can discover a store nearby which has one in stock. Give-and-take on the internet street is that the speaker actually opens up the audio, and that information technology's worth it.
Hopefully there's ane available to check out.
  • #five
If the G10 provides the *exact* sound you want when you try it out in person, then the extra $100 is worth it. If it doesn't, though...

$47 to $100 volition buy another speaker that will give you only about any specific sound you want. Eminence, Jensen,Weber, and WGS have plenty of options. Pay attention to speaker dimensions to ensure it volition clear the tubes and tube cage. You may have to remove the tube cage, swap the upper and lower back panels, or remove the bell from the speaker to go far fit.

I put a Weber Signature 10S alnico in mine. It favors the Fender and Vox voices in the SCX2. Information technology stays clean up to about book 4 or five and develops smooth, fat compression to a higher place that. It lends its its own raging, tweedy fatness to the tone with the amp dimed. It has a 7 Oz. magnet and is low-efficiency, so I can crank the volume knob a fleck higher than using the stock speaker. Should cost yous near $75 delivered in the 48 states.

IMO I recommend you purchase the SCX2 with the stock speaker, suspension it in, and see if you like it. Fender Support has no freq response or efficiency numbers for it. They say information technology'south 10", twoscore Watt, ceramic magnet, and imported. Identical to the speaker in the SCXD, then information technology should be MIC.

Information technology needs 30 to fifty hours of loud guitar or a CD/MP3 on echo to pause in. At household volumes information technology does a expert job: information technology's a neutral-sounding speaker that's meant to be a baseline for all the modeled voices. If you play with the amp turned upwardly loud the stock speaker tin be harsh in the high end. Overall, it'southward fine at home. If you don't like it, spend another $100 and replace it.

Pat V.
  • #7
Thank you both @archetype @Pat V. for your responses.
I would really beloved to get the Super Gnaw but I've changed my listen nigh a few things; I'grand realizing that with the Champion 40, for case, the aux in and headphone jacks are very useful. Also, I'yard non convinced that I'll be able to utilise the full value of the Super Champ when the volume knob probably won't ever be above 3.
Of course, I'll test my thoughts whenever I finish upwardly trying amps out.
  • #8
I assume you lot are talking about the Dirty Blonde SC X2 similar this one. I found that I prefer to bypass the Greenback and run information technology through the 2 12" 70-80s that I take in my Laney Cabinet. However, the Greenback is a much superior speaker than the Jensen that Fender puts in at the mill.

X2 Spec Edition.jpg

  • #ix
I assume you are talking virtually the Dirty Blonde SC X2 similar this one. I found that I prefer to bypass the Greenback and run it through the ii 12" 70-80s that I have in my Laney Cabinet. Even so, the Greenback is a much superior speaker than the Jensen that Fender puts in at the mill.

View attachment 92533

By the fashion, if you lot go the Champion 40, you will want to upgrade that speaker as well.
  • #10
I presume you are talking about the Dirty Blonde SC X2 like this one. I found that I prefer to bypass the Greenback and run it through the ii 12" 70-80s that I have in my Laney Chiffonier. However, the Greenback is a much superior speaker than the Jensen that Fender puts in at the factory.

View attachment 92533

Yep, it besides comes in "vino red" which I actually like.
I don't plan to get a cabinet, so (given I end upwards choosing this amp) I'll get the stock model and switch out later if needed. Thank you!
By the way, if you get the Champion 40, you will want to upgrade that speaker every bit well.
Proficient to know, will do. Thanks!
  • #11
I'm non convinced that I'll be able to employ the total value of the Super Champ when the book knob probably won't ever exist above 3.
You lot crank that book to get the tubes working, yous then lower your guitar volume knob to three. Test it in the store if you tin can.
  • #12
You creepo that volume to get the tubes working, y'all then lower your guitar volume knob to iii. Test information technology in the store if you can.
I picked up a book pedal on the cheap - works a fleck ameliorate for me than lowering the guitar volume. I can have the guitar book at 10 and get bedroom book with no treble bleed.

I too have a worn out set of tubes that I'grand considering returning to the SCx2 - they let me crank it up to 6 and stay at sleeping accommodation volumes...though the new JJs I replaced them with sound astonishing.

  • #13
I'chiliad thinking the Champ 40 sounds similar information technology would give you lot everything you want and is considerably less than the SCX2, virtually $100. You lot could buy a replacement speaker for it if you lot didn't similar stock and yet probably come in a little less than the SCX2. I would go along it stock and really get a feel for it to help y'all decide where your headed with information technology etc. If you are prepare on the SCX2, get the one for less money and if yous want better speaker sounds use the coin saved towards a 1X12 or even 2X12 cabinet. You won't believe how expert it'll sound! Good luck.
  • #fourteen
I picked upward a volume pedal on the cheap - works a bit better for me than lowering the guitar volume. I can accept the guitar volume at 10 and get bedroom volume with no treble bleed.
Even improve.
  • #15
I've not heard almost an SCX2 having a stock Greenback. Suppose it'south possible.........

The SCX2 comes with a speaker that has a very flat response every bit someone already said in the post. The Greenback may not sound information technology'south best or as skillful as the stock with this amps digital effects because of its frequency response.

Some accept swapped out for an Eminence 'Ragin Cajun' 75 watts for a more smooth transition into a more mellow distortion that becomes more than 'growl-ly' with volume.

It's your call. If information technology were me, I would become a stock amp and so swap the speaker out, that way if I really didn't like the Greenback I could switch back to the stock speaker.

Pat V.
  • #sixteen
I've not heard virtually an SCX2 having a stock Greenback. Suppose it'due south possible.........

The SCX2 comes with a speaker that has a very apartment response as someone already said in the mail. The Greenback may not sound information technology'southward best or equally skilful equally the stock with this amps digital effects because of its frequency response.

The Greenback wallops the stock speaker six ways to Sunday. I added one on my ain XD but Fender has had a few FSR variations with upgraded speakers. Sweetwater has this ane at the moment with a Greenback.

The improvement is substantial.

Here'south mine.
Greenback installed in SCXD 170527.jpg

  • #17
I proceed seeing that ... what is FRS ?
  • #18
I go along seeing that ... what is FRS ?

Fender Special Run
  • #19
Congrats for choosing the X2!
Near the speaker... in terms of money I concord paying 100+ for Greenback.
In terms of audio... you can choose past yourself, your ear will make up one's mind.
Try to test the amp in the shop with different speakers, even from other amps or cabs (when I bought my Pro Jr I hooked it up to a 12" speaker to compare information technology straight with Blues Jr, then bought the Pro Jr - in the shop).
I chose to purchase the head X2 so I tin plug it wherever I desire: in my Ragin' Cajun DIY pino cab, to a 12" Fender Special Design from an older Performer 650, to a Celestion in my Marshall Studio, to another 15" Eminence (pine cab as well) and so on...

Last line: I would pay more for Greenback, which is a bully speaker, and if not in dear with the audio, seems much easier to sell it for adept money and get some other Weber/Celestion/Eminence... The FSR usually worth the extra money. I accept a FSR AVRI '62 strat bought from Canada that is very next to a Custom Store!


  • 2018-02-27 14.44.28.jpg
  • #20
I chose to buy the head X2 so I can plug it wherever I desire ...
I had a X2 head too for a while to run into if at that place was a difference between that and my XD combo and kept the XD. I plug the combo wherever I want and I can use it as a philharmonic too. I actually e'er use it with a 2X12 cab.
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Source: https://www.squier-talk.com/threads/super-champ-x2-vs-limited-edition.132822/

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